First Thoughts on the New Codex!!!

REJOICE children of Asuryan! Make ready the Court of the Young King! Bloody Handed Khaine is stirring, and the Infinity Circuit thrills with songs of war; the rebirth of ancient days is finally upon us.

Or, to put it another way, IT’S FINALLY HERE!!!

I have frankly never been this excited for any 40k related release. Ever. Like many of you, I have spent months pouring over every clue, every leak, and every reveal concerning what is probably the biggest Craftworlds update since third edition. Those of us who are motivated Discord and Facebook users have had access to the majority of this content for the last several weeks, but there is simply no substitute for feeling the weight of the book in your hand and contemplating the elegantly brutal shenanigans that are about to transform the way we visit destruction on the lesser denizens of the 41st Millenia.

Here is my unbridled and totally honest first reaction: This. Book. Rocks.

Not only have Craftworld Eldar gotten a significant and much needed competitive boost, but the rules gracefully convey the character and fighting style of the Aeldari better than ever before. Aspect Warriors are terrifying; Asuryani technology puts most imperial tech to shame; and Eldar Warhosts are finally the lithe, adaptable, symphonies of synergistic brutality that they should always be. That said, because of the new point values, every lost Aeldari life is keenly felt; this is a faction that richly rewards optimal play, but is as intolerant of errors as the Biel-Tani are of pretty much every other species in the galaxy. I don’t think we are in danger of seeing CWE dominate top tables the way Drukhari did when they first arrived, but I do think in the hands of highly skilled players Craftworld Eldar just became a faction that can win Grand Tournaments- something that has almost never happened in 9th edition.

In the weeks ahead, I will post updated strategy guides on the website, unit focus videos on my Youtube channel, and a variety of other deep dives on new combos, tactics, and tricks. In the next day or so, I plan to post a five-part full codex review to my Youtube channel that will explore the new faction abilities, sub faction bonuses, stratagems, relics, psychic powers, secondary missions, and data sheets for Craftworld Eldar. I will add content related to Harlequins later in March, and Ynnari as soon as I can reasonably get to them.

All I am going to do in this blog post is make some observations in broad brushstrokes about how Space Elves have been transformed in the new book, and tell you a few of the options that I am most excited about. Many of these I will revisit and expand on in later content, and a some might turn out to be just plain wrong. After all, most of us haven’t had much time to experiment with the new rules and all the theory craft in the world is no substitute for play experience at the table. But here we go.

Observation #1: Craftworld Eldar Just Became an Even More Elite Army

Your next Craftworlds list is likely going to have one or two fewer units than whatever you have run most recently, but everything on your roster will hit CONSIDERABLY harder than it did before. I think one of the biggest surprises in this new book is just how much the damage output of almost every single unit has increased. We all expected improvements to the Bright Lance and Shuriken Cannon that would bring them in line with the Drukhari versions- and I hoped Shuriken Catapults would get extra range and that melee Aspect Warriors would get another attack- (and they did,) but I did not expect all Shuriken weapons to get native AP, or for Dire Avengers to increase their shooting output by 50%, or for Banshee swords to go to -4AP and +1 to wound on the charge, or for an Exarch with mirror swords to be able to put out 10 attacks per turn at flat two damage, etc- the list goes on and on and on. Pretty much every single unit, (with the exception of Dark Reapers,) is significantly more vicious AND has access to some sort of new and improved utility power, trick, or combo that makes it a serious contender for a spot in the right competitive list.

On the flip side, increased unit costs mean that Craftworlds players will be even less able to afford early game casualties than before, and we will need to seriously rethink the way we play primary objectives, conduct unit trades, and select secondary missions. For example, I think I might find myself learning into “Behind Enemy Lines” rather than “Engage on All Fronts,” simply because BeL makes it possible to score 4 points per turn with only two units in position, while EoAF requires at least 4 units in order to score 3 points per turn, and I am just not convinced we will have enough warm bodies on the table to make that work consistently. I also think we are going to see significantly more of the army starting in deepstrike or in reserve.

Thematically, all of this makes total sense. What Craftworld Eldar have going for them is the most advanced technology in the galaxy, a highly specialized warrior caste, and access to the Webway. What they have against them is numbers: there simply aren’t enough Asuryani left for other species to worry about losing ground to what remains of this once magnificent civilization- so it makes sense that on the table Craftworlders would excel at damage output and ambushes, but be ill able to afford losses.

One more note about this change: to some of those rare players who were enjoying a measure of competitive success with the last codex, (perhaps going 4 and 1 at some of the larger tournaments,) the changes in the new book might initially feel like a splash of cold water. Many of the tricks and units-trading tactics that we relied on to get the most out of CWE previously are gone, so if you are a competitive player who wanted a book that would make exactly what you were already doing even more effective, you might initially be disappointed. That’s an understandable first reaction, but I think if you have some patience and are able to step back and see the faction with fresh eyes, you will be able to find ways to make CWE more effective than before. It took a great player to make the last book work, and I feel confident that this book has a much higher skill cap than the last one.

Observation #2: This Might Be the Deepest Codex in the Game
By “deep” I do not mean profound, or existentially enlightening, or likely to excite the romantic wiles of 90s theatre girls who attend circus camp in the summers. I mean there are probably dozens of possibilities for effective competitive builds, many of which we will still be only just discovering a year or two from now. There are a number of reasons for this.

The first is that every single one of the sub factions has potential for competitive play, as do some of the “Build Your Own” options. Ulthwe and Biel-Tan stand out as the obvious front runners, as they have access to rerolls that benefit the whole army- and a number of other bonuses that OBVIOUSLY create opportunities for sneaky synergies. For example: because Support Weapon Platforms now have the GUARDIANS keyword, a player could use the unique Ulthwe Strategem “Discipline of the Black Guardians” for 1CP to make a unit of three support platforms hit on 2s, and the new “Martial Citizenry” stratagem to let them reroll 1s. This is especially brutal on a unit of affordably pointed DCannons, which now do D6+2 damage and inflict additional mortal wounds on 6s to wound. Ouch.

Iyanden, on the otherhand, makes typically fragile Craftworlds units surprisingly durable by reducing the AP of opponent’s weapons from -1 to 0 and from -2 to -1. This means that a unit of Guardian defenders with a support platform in cover save on a 2+ ignoring AP -1 and saving on a 3+ against AP-2; that’s crazy! Consider the application for Wraithguard with cannons, Fire Dragons, or even Shadow Spectres which also have a native -1 to hit. And now that Windriders have a 3+ save they might have real staying power in an Iyanden list- and we are barely scratching the surface here. I think Iyanden will be especially strong in low point value games, but also a powerhouse in 2000 point play.

Alaitoc and Saim-Hann are also strong, but may be more vulnerable to unfavorable match-ups than Ulthwe and Saim-Hann. I will talk more about this in my full codex review, but the bottem line is that every major Craftworld is competitively viable.

On the Custom Craftworlds front, there are several exciting possibilities for serious competitive play- although these tend to lean into much more narrowly specialized boutique builds.  For example, “Hail of Doom” offers a way to make a specialized Shuriken-oriented list an absolute monster, while “Swift Strikes” and “Children of the Open Skies” can be combined for a nasty alpha strike, hit-and-run list. There are numerous other viable options and combos, including traits like “Vengeful” and “Savage Blades” that dial close-combat units up to eleven, while “Wrath of the Dead” turns a melee-oriented wraith list savagely janky.

and as an Iybraesil player, I especially appreciate the inclusion of “In The Footsteps of the Ancients,” which allows a player to make use of faction bonuses, stratagems, and warlord traits from one of the conventional Craftworlds without having to look my opponent in the eye at tournaments and claim that my conspicuously blue and white models sporting Iybraesil banners are actually from Craftworld Ulthwe.

These sub faction options combined with a plethora of good datasheets, stratagems, relics, exarch powers, warlord traits, psychic powers, AND the ability for any Craftworld army to take a detachment of Harlequin allies from one of three different Harlequin sub factions, make this book perhaps the single deepest single codex in the game. Don’t get me wrong: there are still some total duds in all those categories, but overall what we have now is more than enough to keep us all busy coming up with fresh ways to play for years to come.

Observation #3: Strands of Fate is Powerful but Requires Players to Remain Strategically Flexible

Strands of Fate is a faction ability that reflects the innate psychic talents of all Craftworlders and the Farseers’ ability to provide guidance based on knowledge of possible futures. Before each battle round, a Craftworlds player roles 6 dice and in a 2k game gets to select and keep four. Each of these dice can be used as an automatic roll of a 6 for a particular type of dice roll. 1s for Advance rolls, 2s for charge rolls, 3s for psychic tests, 4s for hit rolls, 5s for wound rolls, 6s for saving throws. Each Farseer in your army allows you to reroll one of these dice before selecting which to keep; (there are some sub-faction bonuses that let you roll and keep additional dice.)

Strands of Fate creates opportunities for some enormously powerful plays. You could bring a unit of Wraithblades in from deepstrike and use a Strands of Fate die plus GHOSTWALK to make a charge auto-succeed; Or you could guarantee the success of a particular psychic power, or be absolutely certain that your Bike Autarch with Objective Secured, (yes- there is a way to do this now,) shrugs off the first two enemy lascanon shots. In fact, it is totally reasonable to suggest that judicious use of Strands of Fate will swing games in your favor that would otherwise have been losses.

The challenge to using Strands of Fate effectively is not only knowing which dice rolls to prioritize, but also being able to remain flexible in your plan if you don’t get the Strands of Fate numbers that you need. This is because the rules writers have sensibly limited our ability to control or modify the dice. There are ways to reroll a couple of dice or keep an extra one, but nothing that lets you- for example- add plus one or minus one to a Strands of Fate die. As a result, it simply is not safe to gamble on definitely getting a 6 in any given category on the turn you need it.

For example, remember those Deepstriking Wraithblades? Well, you will know whether you have the requisite “6” for a charge before your movement phase, so you might decide not to bring them out of deepstrike for another turn if you don’t get the Fate dice you need. In this case, you need another equally powerful trick that will trigger off the dice that you DO have to keep your opponent on her heels elsewhere. Skilled Autarchs and Farseers will always need to be aware of a couple of possible futures and have a plan for each.

A lot of the codex is like this. The tools available are enormously powerful, but require a player to remain tactically supple based on an opponent’s list, who gets first turn, and so on.

From a fluff and lore perspective, this is perfect.

Observation #4: The Role of Psychic Powers Has Shifted

There is new top-dog psychic power in town and it’s called WILL OF ASURYAN. It has a Warp Charge value of 6, it affects a single CORE or CHARACTER UNIT within 18” of the caster, and it has the following effects until your next psychic phase:
-The Unit Gains Objective Secured
-The Unit Cannot Fail Moral Tests

-The Unit Can Perform an Action and Still Shoot

I really cannot emphasize how insanely good this is. Not only can you give Obsec to durable infantry like Wraithblades or a Wraithlord, but you could give Obsec to an MSU Windrider team that is only 60 points and can move 22 inches to strip an opponent of a key objective. A unit of Shining Spears could move onto an objective with an enemy obsec unit, shoot the crap out of them until they have fewer models than the Spears, AND STILL PERFORM A SCANNING ACTION.

Primary objective scoring is still the single greatest challenge for Craftworlds and WILL OF ASURYAN is arguably the most potent tool we have to mitigate that weakness.

On the other hand, every previously existing psychic power except one has been significantly nerfed. DOOM, and GUIDE now only provide rerolls to CORE and CHARACTER units, which means that vehicles no longer have significant synergies with your casters. (Vehicles also no longer benefit from the Autarch’s reroll aura.) PROTECT and JINX no longer affect invulnerable saves, and units that have been QUICKENED can no longer shoot and can no longer charge. FORTUNE can now only benefit Core and Character units. Also, the standard range of all the Farseer powers has dropped from 24” to 18”.

It doesn’t stop there. Runes of Fortune no longer replace SMITE and instead take the place of another power, which will lead to tough decisions as Runes of Fortune tend to be powerful but much more situational than the Runes of Fate and Runes of Battle. Farseers no longer have automatic rerolls for psychic tests, and Seer Council no longer benefits both a Farseer and a nearby Warlock, only the Farseer- AND only if a nearby Conclave is still alive; (Conclaves are not characters and so cannot benefit from “Look Out Sir.”) As a result, your plucky footlock attaches may be quickly eliminated by opponents like Tau with powerful indirect fire.

Oh, and long bomb JINX is gone.

Despite all of that, psykers will still continue to play an essential role in Craftworlds lists; it’s just that list composition will need to shift to favor more infantry in order to make use of psychic support, and some of the old standbys we relied on, like Ghost Axes with a 3++ invuln, or Shining Spears that could move 32” and still charge on turn 1, will be replaced by new combos.

More importantly, I think we will see fewer competitive players leaning into the psychic phase primarily for damage multipliers and instead alloting psychic casts to scoring-related control powers. WILL OF ASURYAN is the most obvious example, but so to the new and improved versions of HORRIFY and RESTRAIN. HORRIFY now inflicts -2LD on the target and a “fight last” effect until your next Psychic Phase. “Fight Last”is incredibly powerful because it trumps “Fight First” abilities that your opponent may have. RESTRAIN now causes any action the target unit attempts to automatically fail, which can really hamper your opponent’s scoring ability in a meta where Retrieve Nachmund Data remains popular and many missions require actions in order to score primary points.

Damage multipliers still have a role to play of course, as will FORTUNE and GHOSTWALK. In a list geared towards Shuriken fire, for example, DOOM can make anything T7 or less vulnerable to being eliminated by a couple of units of Dire Avengers. FORTUNE is still fantastic on Wraith infantry holding objectives, and GHOSTWALK used in conjunction with The Runes of Fate can guarantee units coming in out of Deepstrike succeed on charges.

There is also a new version of the MIND WAR combo that might not make the grade for the most competitive lists, but is still damn good. There is a new stratagem called “Battle Psykers” that lets a mid-size Warlock conclave trigger both versions of a Runes of Battle power with a single cast for 1CP. This means your Conclave could trigger EMBOLDEN/HORRIFY to give your Farseer +2 leadership and an enemy Character -2. Your Farseer has a native Leadership of 9 and there are some simple ways to get that to a 10. If you then cast MIND WAR on the enemy character, even with completely average dice, you should do 5 or 6 mortal wounds- more if you use Strands of Fate for a high casting role, which triggers a damage bonus. This is much more elegant than the previous combo with the Hemlock, and I am really looking forward to building a Crusade force around this trick with a fun storyline about my Iybraesil Farseer.

Lastly, I think we might see Farseers performing more psychic actions. There is a new stratagem called “The Multifaceted Mind” that allows a Farseer to perform a single cast in the same turn that she attempts a psychic action. This opens up some of the Warpcraft secondary objectives against opponents with little to no psychic denial, while also creating some opportunity around the new “Eldritch Storm” Stratagem. Eldritch Storm is played in your Command Phase for 3CP. You pick a point within 24” of a Farseer model and place a marker. In your psychic phase, any Farseer can take a psychic action to “Empower” the storm, (which would normally prevent your Farseer from casting anything, but this the “Multifaceted Mind” stratagem provides a work-around.) Then, in your shooting phase, you roll a D6 for every enemy unit within 6” of the point, and on a 2+ that unit takes D3 mortal wounds +1 for every time a Farseer empowered the storm. This is too CP intensive to be viable in the majority of games, but there will definitely be match ups in which this is insanely good, especially in missions that require a player to hold an objective in the center of the board.

Observation #5: Movement Shenanigans Just Got Makeover

Craftworlders have long relied on speed and tricky movement to bring powerful melee force to bear early and to compensate for the fragility of the faction. Although many or most of the old movement tricks are gone, they have been replaced by others that are overall more powerful, even though they don’t operate in the same way. This is a net gain, but there might be some growing pains for players who have grown accustomed to using QUICKEN in every game.

So here’s what we have lost:
-Fire and Fade is now 2CP and no longer allows units to embark in transports
-Banshees no longer get +2 to charge
-There are no longer exarch powers or sub faction bonuses that provide charge bonuses
-Court of the Young King is gone
-Rangers, Scorpions, and Walkers all lost CP-free deepstrike,
-QUICKEN is now mutually exclusive with any kind of an attack.

Here is what we have gained:

BATTLE FOCUS: A faction wide ability that allows infantry units, (or vehicles with the “Vectored Engines” upgrade but only once,) to EITHER fire Assault/Pistol weapons at no penalty after making an advance move, OR make a regular move, shoot, and then make a “Battle Focus Move of D6” subtracting 3 if they cross any sort of area terrain. AND Biel-Tan have a sub-faction wide ability that allows them to treat battle focus moves rolls of 1s and 2s as 3s. In addition, the old stratagem “Matchless Agility” has changed to enable players to automatically role a 6 on a Battle Focus move.

This is really solid, but a little trickier to use than is initially apparent. In theory, it means that small squads of infantry can fire and duck out of line of sight to avoid reprisal. In practice, it’s a bit more difficult to optimize than it sounds because most line-of-sight blocking terrain consists of ruins, which are area-terrain and therefore there is a 50% chance that the battle focus move will fail entirely unless a player spends CP on Matchless Agility. Trying to do the same trick around the side of a ruin is considerably more difficult because of the angles. (I have a sneaking suspicion that the area-terrain penalty for Battle Focus was a playtesting modification.)

That said, this is still a useful tool, especially for Craftworld Alaitoc who APPEAR- (based on rules-as-written-) to be able to ignore the Battle Focus movement penalty over area terrain. One of their sub-faction abilities allows them to ignore all modifiers to the movement characteristic, although it isn’t crystal-clear from the phrasing of Battle Focus whether the movement characteristic or the dice roll is being affected, as the movement characteristic does not actually determine the distance a unit can move with Battle Focus. I am 95% confident that the intention here is to allow Alaitoc units to use Battle Focus unimpeded, but it would be nice to have an FAQ to stimy the objections of grumpy opponents.

Honestly, I think Battle Focus has at least as much utility for setting up screens and tagging objectives as it does for keeping fragile units alive. Either way, it’s an excellent tool in the hands of a wily player and it FEELS very Aeldari.

CWE finally have units that can deploy in the midfield, so long as they remain 9” away from the enemy deployment zone and enemy units. This was much needed. For one thing, we finally have the opportunity screen out our opponents forward deployment units that might otherwise be in our backfield turn 1. For another, cheap units of Rangers in the midfield can block enemy melee units, score action-based primary and secondary missions, and generally be a nuisance to an opponent.

Scorpions also have “Advanced Positions,” which has opened up a potent option for a first turn play. And by “potent option,” I mean something more like “majestically glorious smack-down.” You can now deploy up to three units of Scorpions and/or their Phoenix Lord 9” from the enemy deployment zone. If you get first turn, each of those units can move and charge to create havoc in your opponent’s backfield, (and now that Scorpions can do serious damage in close quarters, the threat is real.) If you DON’T get first turn, you can use the new version of the “Phantasm” stratagem at 2CP to either redeploy the Scorpions elsewhere, or put them into Strategic Reserve at no additional CP; this is fantastic not only because of the potential for a turn one blitz, but also because it forces your opponent to make difficult decisions during deployment and perhaps place units in positions that really are not optimal.

Shroud Runners can make a 16” pregame move. This means that on turn 1, they can be in your opponent’s backfield, guaranteed. There are numerous benefits associated with this, not least of all the prospect of scoring “Behind Enemy Lines” on turn 1 and perhaps tagging some long range heavy support unit in melee. Consider also that Iyanden Shroud Runners can have a 2+ save in cover and ignore AP-1.

Killer-elves with wings are one of the units that I am MOST excited about in the new codex. In addition to retaining the old CP-free deepstrike, Hawks have a new trick: When they make a Battle Focus move, they can redeploy anywhere on the table at least 9” from enemy units. I really can’t overstate how good this is. Not only is it easy to have Hawks participate in the battle while keeping them out of the line of fire, but they can grab any objective that your opponent leaves unattended. Combined with better guns, Exarch powers that cause opponents’ units to be unable to perform actions, and a relic that gives a durability boost, there is a lot of room here to make this particular shenanigan one of the pillars of your next competitive list.

Oh man. Baharroth was the first special character I ever bought for 40k; it was like 1997, and only now has my investment become worth it for anything other than lore and aesthetics. Baharroth is SO good. Not only does he have the same redeployment power as the Hawks, but he can use it in place of a consolidation move. This means that this most-gallant-of-Phoenix-Lords can land within a few inches of an enemy, shoot that units, charge that unit, attack that unit, and then fly away and land on some distant objective before the enemy unit can even punch back. Combined with the fact that all Phoenix Lords have obsec now AND crazy durability bonuses including a resurrection stratagems makes this winged hero a tremendous resource both for scoring and for harassing enemy units.

I am utterly shocked at how good Falcons are suddenly. They can perform a deepstrike any turn of the game, even turn 1, and the models inside can disembark and shoot or charge that same turn. This tactical options this opens up are considerable. The most obvious move is to stick six Fire Dragons in there and drop them in your opponent’s backfield to obliterate key units. Fire Dragons hit much harder than before, as does the Pulse Laser on the Falcon, which is now at Heavy 2, S9, -3AP, D3+3 damage.

Alternatively, you might drop some Banshees on your opponent’s doorstep turn 1 along with those 3 squads of Scorpions and use a “Strands of Fate” die to guarantee a good charge roll with the Banshees to absolutely overrun your opponent’s backfield with powerful melee units before she has even taken a turn.

OR you could stick some Dire Avengers inside with the Exarch power that gives them Objective Secured; there are numerous possibilities here.

I am confident that Falcons will be an enormously popular Heavy Support pick for the foreseeable future.


At first glance, the new Webway Gate appear to be among the most powerful tools in the codex. It only costs 80 points; it’s indestructible, it lets you put units into reserve at a reduced cost, and- in theory- a player could set it up next to a midfield objective where she could then, at will, drop units onto that objective during her movement phase, (even if it means setting them up within engagement range of an enemy.) It looks amazing.

But having had some time to consider the practical limitations, I am not sure the Webway Gate will be the auto-include that it appears to be. Here is the problem: the rules specify that the portal needs to be set up at least 3” from all other terrain. In ITC tournament play, players take turns placing terrain, so it would be extremely easy for an opponent to either screen your Webway Gate out of the midfield entirely, or force you to put it somewhere that just isn’t advantageous. In official GW tournaments, there is so much terrain on the board that the only way to put down the Webway Gate will probably be to use the rule that lets you replace a piece of terrain in your own backfield with a faction-specific fortification. Aside from the fact that I don’t really want to pay 80 points for the privilege of deploying units in my own backfield, removing a piece of terrain to do so probably means giving up one of the line-of-sight blocking assets that Craftworlds rely on.

I could be completely wrong, but at the moment I am not convinced that the Webway Gate is going to be a strong contender for serious tournament play. That said, one of my subscribers pointed out to me on Discord that according to rules-as-written, you could try and get around this by setting the two pieces of the Webway Gate tightly packed together such that they do not form a gate at all.

I am not doing that. Also, it’s obviously going to get FAQed hard shortly after someone pulls that for the first time in a tournament.


I LOVE the “Traveling Players” rule.

The ability to include Harlequins in your Craftworlds force without spending CP or suffering penalties to faction bonuses is a glorious callback to the lore and the original function of Harlequins in second edition; it will also open up exponentially more list options. For all intents and purposes, every Harlequin data sheet is now also a Craftworlds data sheet.

Very exciting.

The Exarch Powers and Relic Options Make Aspect Warrior Builds Even More Nuanced
The new Exarch Powers and Exarch Relics are a real mixed bag in terms of quality, but a single squad from ANY of the Aspect Shrines can now be turned into an enormously powerful, (if enormously expensive,) powerhouse. Except for Reapers. Reapers aren’t nearly as good now.

You can still use a version of your old competitive list, but in the long run you will want to rethink your roster.
If you collected an “Expert Crafters/Hunters of Ancient Relics” list and need a way to use it in the new codex, your best bet at the moment is probably to run it as Biel-Tan, which gives you the front half of Expert Crafters and a solid unique stratagem to increase the damage output of Aspect Warriors. Also, due to data sheet changes, all those units that relied on “Hunters of Ancient Relics” to boost their attack characteristics on objectives have those same extra attacks all the time anyway. Nevertheless, I think that rather than trying to employ the same unit combos and tactics as before, we will all do much better if we start by completely rethinking our approach Craftword Eldar. After all, theory crafting is one of the most enjoyable aspects of competitive play.

More to Come Tomorrow
So that’s it for a very general first pass. Check out my Youtube channel tomorrow for at least the first part of a full codex review. In the coming weeks, I will hopefully revamp all the core content on the website and get to Harlequins and Ynnari as well. It’s an exciting time to be pro-elf.

Keep in mind that this book is new and that it is inevitably going to take time for us to tease out its potential. I am sure that every content creator out there- (including me-) has failed to anticipate all the angles, opportunities, synergies, and vulnerabilities that this book presents. But I think we are all going to have a lot of fun figuring out what those are between now and some hypothetically distant 10th edition codex.

More soon,



UPDATED STRATEGY GUIDE: I have rewritten “Our Best Units and How to Use Them” to reflect the 9th Edition Aeldari Codex


Sic Semper Tyranids! A Fundraiser for Ukrainian Children